Thank you Voters!
Dear Eaton County voters,
In last night’s election, the voters supported the Eaton RESA special education millage which will benefit all students, in all school districts, across our area.
The millage will generate $3 million of dedicated special education funds each year over the next ten years to improve services, increase programs, bolster staffing, purchase equipment and provide services to students. With the increase in special education funding, more general education funds will be available to our districts to provide specialized programs like robotics, support student mental health and wellbeing and other needs of each individual district.
Thank you to the voters for supporting this millage and to the local district leaders who helped inform the public and educate our community about the millage. We appreciate your trust in our ability to administer this funding appropriately and responsibly and our local district’s ability to provide the highest quality services to all students.
Dr. Sean Williams