School Policies

Adopted May 22, 2012

The Oneida Township School District No. 3 a/k/a Strange School Board of Education recognizes that a safe and civil environment in school is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic standards. The District finds that bullying, like other disruptive or violent behavior, is conduct that disrupts both a student’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate its students in a safe environment.

This policy prohibits bullying against students in any form, regardless of its subject matter or motivating animus. Retaliation or false accusation against a target of bullying, a witness, or another person with reliable information about an act of bullying, is also prohibited.

The Board of Education shall ensure the implementation of this policy and develop ongoing strategies for environmental change that are shared annually with all district staff.

The Board of Education delegates to the teacher the function of implementing administrative procedures that provide for notification of the parents or legal guardians of both victims and perpetrators of bullying.


Any student who believes he or she has been or is currently the victim of bullying or retaliation should immediately report the situation to the teacher, aide or Board of Education.


All reports about bullying behavior, or other complaints that may violate this policy, shall be promptly investigated. The Board of Education delegates to the teacher the responsibility of establishing and implementing a procedure for the prompt investigation of a report of bullying or related complaint to be followed by the Board of Education who receives a report of a violation of this policy.

If the investigation concludes that bullying behavior or other prohibited activity has occurred, it will result in prompt and appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion. Individuals may also be referred to law enforcement officials.

The complainant shall be notified of the findings of the investigation and, as appropriate, that remedial action has been taken.

Record Keeping

The Board of Education delegates to the teacher the function of establishing a procedure to document the report of any prohibited incident.

Verified incidents of bulling and the resulting consequences, including discipline and referrals, shall be reported to the Board of Education on at least an annual basis.

This policy and related information will be published and disseminated annual as part of the School Handbook.

You must call the school (517.627.7005) when your child will be absent or tardy. Leave a message if you call before or after school hours. Please see the student handbook for more details on our attendance policy.

Our ideal goal is to have all students follow the rules, which they are expected to do. Positive behavior is rewarded. On occasion when this may be challenged, recesses may be withheld. Parents will be informed if any major infraction occurs.

Some major infractions:

  • Disrespectful to adults or peers
  • Disrespectful to school property or other students’ property
  • Fighting, hitting, inappropriate touching
  • Inappropriate language
  • Disrupting the class during instructional time

We try to go on several field trips a year. Some are small and local; others are all day and farther away. We transport by car/van and will need volunteers to drive. If you would be willing to help, contact the school.

Homework is considered work that has not been completed from the day’s assignments or studying for quizzes and tests. All homework is due by 8:15 AM the next day.

Homework for absent students can be picked up by 12:30 PM or at the end of the school day. All homework from being absent is expected to be completed or it will be considered incomplete (0). A student has two days for every day that is missed to make up the work.

Students bring their own lunch as Strange School does not have a lunch program. A microwave and refrigerator are available for student use.

If your child has a prescribed medication, you must fill out a form that we need to keep on file. If the medication needs to be given during the school day, it should be in the prescription container and all instructions clearly stated.

We have parties for most holidays. An email will be sent in advance asking for parents to volunteer for help and/or items for the parties.

School begins at 8:15 AM. Unless prior emergency arrangements, no one should be dropped off before 8:15 AM.

School ends at 3:30 PM (students must be picked up no later than 3:45 PM). If an emergency happens and you cannot get to school, please call the school ASAP so that accommodations can be made.

We will follow Grand Ledge cancelations. The Calling Tree will be used if there are differences (for instance, if Grand Ledge Public Schools are already closed for a break).

Students will be allowed to have snacks for the mid-morning break. Please send healthy snacks such as fruit, vegetables, or fruit/fiber bars.

Strange School does not provide transportation. Parents are responsible for getting their students to and from school. Car pooling may be an option among parents to help ease transportation problems.

Please remember that Strange School is a partnership between the students, parents, staff, and school board members. Feel free to become involved in your school as a volunteer. Contact the school to make arrangements with the teacher.