transition student on the job

Transition Services

Transition services are a coordinated set of activities for a student with an Individualized Education Program (IEP), that are designed to support movement from school to post-high school activities, including vocational training, employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, and community participation. Secondary Transition describes the critical transformation our special education students need in order to achieve their post-secondary education goals.

The transition process prepares students with disabilities for adult life by focusing on the specific areas of post-secondary education, employment, community participation, and independent living. Transition services are provided by the school and, when necessary, community agencies, to promote successful movement of students with disabilities from high school to adult life. They are a part of the results-oriented process focused on improving the functional and academic needs of the student transitioning.

Students with disabilities often need support in identifying strengths, challenges and goals.  There are several resources and options available.  Many of these resources assist students with determining what they would like to do after high school along with providing information about the differences between high school and college. 

FAFSA - Free Application For Student Aid

Free College Applications 

MCTI - Michigan Career and Technical Institute

LCC - Lansing Community College

TIP - State of Michigan Tuition Incentive Program 

Differences between High School and College

Michigan Rehabilitation Services Customer Handbook

Interest Inventory

Every person experiences transition throughout his or her file - the transition to a different classroom, new building or from school to community are processes that all students go through, and represent a major change in the student's life.

You, your family and your student are approaching a challenging and exciting time in life - it is an important time for students and families to plan, and make decisions about their post secondary future.

What we know about transition:

  • Transitions occur at many times throughout our lives
  • Transitions are likely to be stressful
  • Transitions are made easier with planning
  • Transitions are a time of growth

What is presented below are resources for consideration and planning that will hopefully make this process more manageable and productive.

Transition to College Checklist 

College Readiness Guide

Guardianship and Alternatives 

Will I need to become my child’s guardian? 

Social Security 

FAFSA - Free Application for Student Aid

College Application Information 

TIP - Tuition Incentive Program Information 

Parent Tips for Transition Services

Eaton RESA Work Based Learning

Transition services for students with disabilities in Eaton County should begin as soon as we start discussing post high school plans. 

This may be as early as middle or elementary school, but must be part of a students Individualized Education Plan when they are in 8th grade, so that appropriate programming can be in place for high school and beyond.

Students and parents should be active participants in the planning of transition activities, and several supports are available to assist you in assessing transition needs and offering services to students within your school.

National Technical Assistance Center on Transition  

Taxonomy for Transition

Transition Assessment 

Secondary Transition 

Consent to Invite Agency video Explanation

Post Secondary Outcomes 

Personal Curriculum 

Please see links and information below regarding area resources and agencies that may provide services for our transition students:

Michigan Rehabilitation Services

Community Mental Health  

Lansing Community College


Bureau of Services for Blind Persons 

Michigan Transition Services Association

Michigan Department of Education