Medicaid for School Staff
Training Videos
Training Videos on MiPSE Logging
Service Logging for a Targeted Case Manager: (short 5 minute video)
Service Logging for a Related Service Provider: (short 5 minute video)
Monthly Progress Summary Logging: (short 5 minute video)
Training Video for Paraprofessionals - Medicaid and MiPSE
Training Video for Targeted Case Managers - Medicaid and MiPSE
Good to Know
Staff Medicaid Manual
MiPSE Supervision Services & Events for Related Service Providers
MiPSE Monthly Progress Summaries
Documenting Procedural Safeguards
Mandated Notifications
Record Retention
False Claims Act
Eaton RESA Medicaid Quality Assurance Plan
Other Medicaid Documents
Parental Consent to Treat and Bill
C4S/SBS Parent FAQ English Version or
Spanish Version
Electronic Signature Form for Staff
Tip Sheets & Prescription Templates
Targeted Case Managment - rev.10/2020
Occupational Therapy - rev. 10/3/2023
COTA Tip Sheets- rev. 10/3/2023
Physical Therapy - rev. 10/3/2023
Physical Therapy Assistant Tip Sheet - rev. 10/3/2023
Social Work - rev. 10/3/2023
School Psychologist - rev. 10/3/2023
Speech Language Pathologist - rev. 10/3/2023
Speech Language Pathologist Limited - rev. 10/3/2023
Registered Nurse - rev. 6/2021
Searching for and Subscribing to Reports
Under the Direction of and Supervision (Section 1.4 Medicaid Provider Manual)
Certain specified services may be provided "under the direction of" or "under the supervision of" another clinician. For the supervising clinician, "under the direction of" means that the clinician is supervising the individual's care which, at a minimum, includes seeing the individual initially, prescribing the type of care to be provided, reviewing the need for continued services throughout treatment, assuring professional responsibility for services provided, and insuring that all services are medically necessary. "Under the direction of" requires face-to-face contact by the clinician at least at the beginning of treatment and periodically thereafter.
"Supervision of" limited-licensed mental health processionals consists of the practitioner meeting regularly with another professional, at an interval described within the professional administrative rules, to discuss casework and other processional issues in a structured way. This is often known as clinical or counseling supervision or consultation. The purpose is to assist the practitioner to learn from his or her experience and expertise, as well as to ensure good service to the client or patient.
"Under the Direction of" pertains to OT, PT, and SLP:
Documentation of Supervision OT
Documentation of Supervision PT
Documentation of Supervision SLP
"Supervision of" pertains to SW:
Documentation of Supervision SW
PowerSchool Special Programs Procedure for Supervision Approval
Staff Pool List
Staff Pool Guidance
Do not include any staff who are 100% federally funded (or otherwise not reportable on your districts SE-4096 form) in any of the cost pools.
Use the Staff Pool List Guidance pdf. for guidance on staff requirements to be placed on the Staff Pool List.
Helpful Hints: Only leave open vacancies during a quarter when you plan on filling that position. If you know you will fill that position then leave it vacant. Vacant positions are pulled for RMTS and will negatively impact our reimbursement percentage.