Special Education
Eaton RESA provides support to districts and students with Individual Education Programs throughout Eaton County, regardless of the nature or severity of a child's disability.
Eaton County's exceptionally trained staff is dedicated to addressing a wide range of needs. Services are provided to students from birth to twenty-six years of age. Parents are important members of the educational team that help to determine the appropriate programs and services for their child. Eaton RESA offers a full continuum of special education services within our local districts as well as a center-based program for Eaton County.
Eaton RESA and its constituent district programs operate in accordance with all state and federal guidelines. We follow the Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education (MARSE) that includes, but is not limited to, the following: classroom instruction, consultation, related services support, adaptive equipment, comprehensive evaluations and specialized instruction. Eaton RESA, local districts, and public school academies must comply with the procedures of the Michigan Continuous Improvement Monitoring Systems (CIMS). This system broadens monitoring from a compliance orientation to focusing on improving educational results for students with disabilities.
Special Education Local Contacts
Notice of Post-Graduation Opportunities Information Packet (Michigan Department of Education Memorandum)