Behavior and Mental Health Support
Eaton RESA's five Behavior and Mental Health Specialists (BMH) are all licensed mental health professionals who combined have over 45 years of experience that they are excited to share with Eaton County Schools. Our specialists work with our local districts to provide a variety of services ranging from crisis interventions to play therapy; offering support not just to students but staff as well. Additionally, due in large part to the excellent services the team has been providing at the elementary level, new this year, the BMH Specialists will be expanding their services to meet the needs of secondary students as well. Whether through direct service or district professional development, we are excited to see what this school year brings.
How Are You Feeling?
Our partners at Community Mental Health have created this mental health screening tool. Brief screenings are the quickest way to determine if you or someone you care about should connect with a behavioral health professional. This program is completely anonymous and confidential, and immediately following the brief questionnaire you will see your results, recommendations, and key resources.
Participate in this brief mental health screening here.