Multi-Tiered System of Supports
Equity-Based MTSS
The General Education Services team recognizes that all students have a rightful presence in their learning communities. Our team partners with districts in their implementation of Equity-Based Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) to develop inclusive and proactive systems that establish learning environments that meet the needs of all students. The development of a proactive system of tiered academic, behavioral, and social-emotional support through differentiated instruction, Universal Design for Learning, and integrated instruction ensures each student has the tools, resources, and support to thrive in our learning communities.
How We Can Support
- Providing county-wide MTSS Task Force and Workshop meetings
- Supporting or facilitating professional learning for district, building, or targeted groups of educators
- Coaching and consulting on tiered implementation and differentiation for academic and behavioral needs
- Coaching and consulting administrators, teams, and individual educators
- Facilitating meetings at the district, building, grade, or department level
- Conducting and supporting collaborative inquiry cycles
- Coaching and consulting on data-informed decision making
- Providing technical support for data and platforms
Service Areas
- Reviewing and revising school systems and structures revolving around 1) Teaming Structures, 2) Data, 3) Evidence-Based Practices, and 4) Continuous Improvement
- Establishing equitable considerations and MTSS priorities
- Mapping of resources (teams, facilities, personnel, time allocations & requirements, data sources)
- Developing Tiered Instruction Matrices