Eaton RESA, 1790 E Packard Hwy, Charlotte, MI 48813 543-5500
Southridge, 311 West First Street, Charlotte, MI 48813 541-8971
Operating Hours
June, July and August Hours 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
September through May Hours 8:00 am - 8:30 pm
Note: Operating hours are subject to change {Business Office Hours are 8 am - 4:30 pm year round}
Safety Data Sheets (formerly called Material Safety Data Sheets)
The District maintains an inventory of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for potentially harmful substances handled in the workplace under the Hazard Communication program. Employees may access copies of the Eaton RESA Safety Data Sheets at the reception desk at the Packard Facility.
To assure continued compliance with MIOSHA regulations, it is important that staff do not directly purchase cleaning items, including mild, readily available products such as Clorox wipes. If you have a need for a cleaning product, other than what you currently have available, please submit a Maintenance Work Order.
If there is contamination of an area, please contact maintenance immediately to assure that the area is cleaned per universal precaution guidelines.
Facility Use
Facility Use (internal)
All room reservations must be made in FMX. Please work with your department administrative assistant for availability and assistance.
Facility Use (external)
The Board of Education believes that District facilities should be made available for community purposes, provided that such use does not infringe on the original and necessary purpose of the property or interfere with the educational program.
Facility Use Request Process
Facility Use Administrative Guidelines
Facility Use Forms:
Facility Use Request 7510 F1
Facility Use Agreement 7510 F2
Facility Use Follow-Up Checklist 7510 F3
Facility Use Sign-In Form 7510 F4
For assistance with scheduling Facility Use, please contact Amber Wetherell or 517.541.8713.
Maintenance Work Order
Maintenance Work Order (FMX)
To submit a maintenance work order to have something, fixed/repaired, moved etc, please work with your department administrative assistant for assistance in FMX.
School Closings and Delays
If any of our districts are open, then Eaton RESA will be open to serve the students from that district. If all districts are closed, we will also be closed. Updates will be available on the website, through a School Messenger Alert and on the following stations: WLNS TV 6, WILX TV 10, and Fox 47.
Universal Precautions/Bloodborne Training required annually.
Login is your first initial last name.
Please contact John Van Hoesen or Amber Wetherell with any problems.