Accounts Payable
Accounts payable works with all facets of the accounting system, principally the validation, processing, and filing of invoices.
Accounts Payable ensures invoices are accurate and have been properly documented and approved by the authorizing employee prior to making a payment. Once the proper verifications and authorizations are received, Accounts Payable is responsible for submitting payments in a timely fashion. This position also requires preparing and mailing checks, as well as verifying and procuring proper Internal Revenue Service documentation such as 1099 and W-9 forms from vendors.
Information for vendors can be found here. Eaton RESA employee information regarding accounts payable can be found here.
Payment Schedule
Invoices are batched on a weekly basis. However, non-grant payments $5,000 and more must be pre-approved by the Board of Education. BOE pre-approved disbursements are mailed the Friday after the board meeting in which it was approved. View Board meeting information.